Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Another year is about to close. I can't believe how fast this year went. I have had a lot of good along with not so good. My art has taken on a new direction. I feel I am getting where I need to be. As long as we all keep our faith I think we will get to where we want to be! Hugs! Cindy

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Blessings

Can't believe it is Christmas tomorrow...This year has just flown by. Busy baking and getting ready for tomorrow. The kids are excited and can't wait.
We have everyone here for brunch and Lunch. I am sure the day will fly by just like always. Wishing all my Prim sisters a wonderful Holiday. I hope everyone stays safe and warm! Enjoy your Family's!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Burr Cold and snowy!!

It has been cold and snowy. The wind has been blowing like crazy. I think winter is here. I need to get busy and get some Christmas gifts made. It will be her before I know it. I still have a litte more decorating to do. I am hoping to get in my studio and get some Valentine doll started soon. Hugs Cindy