Monday, September 20, 2010


Today my Makayla is 14 years old! I can't believe it! It seem like she was just born. Both of my kids are growing up fast. I am so glad I have a good relationship with her and she can talk to me. She tells me sometimes I am her best friend. I hope it will always stay that way. So Happy Birthday my sweet Makayla!! Love you!! Hugs


Crowing Moon said...

Thats sweet your her best friend :) Happy birthday Makayla.
The years do go fast. I cant believe my first born will be 18 in March!

In the Light of the Moon said...

Why cant they stay tiny?Why?WHY? ...I know..I get it..Just wish it could last a wee bit longer.

Happy Birthday Sweet Makayla!!
Big Hugs Momma!!Cat